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Neighborhood Profile: Parkallen

Neighborhood Profile: Parkallen

Parkallen is a lovely, mature, tree-lined neighbourhood in south Edmonton in the papastew (PAH-PAH-STAY-OH) ward.  papastew, also know as Papaschase, was the highly respected leader of the Papaschase Band, which resided in the Edmonton area in the late 1800’s, before Parkallen came into being. Parkallen is a vibrant community represented by the Parkallen Community League, which was established in 1920. The Community League is very active and provides residents with a wide range of programs and facilities, including a preschool program, youth soccer, social events for all ages, playgrounds, a skating rink, and a community hall. The Community League also sponsors the Community Garden that is lovingly maintained by the “Parkallen Diggers”. The community is comprised of mostly single-family homes, with some apartments/condos in low rise buildings, and a few duplexes and row houses. Parkallen, a short walk, bike, scooter, or bus ride to the South Campus LRT, is a quick commute to the U of A and nearby shopping, and is in close proximity to downtown, the Whitemud, and Calgary Trail.  If you are considering a move, give Parkallen a closer look!” Lori Crozier, Associate/REALTOR®, Schmidt Realty Group Inc.


There were 52 homes sold between June 1, 2020 and May 31, 2021 in Parkallen, ranging from a low of $125,000 for a 649 sq ft, 2 bedroom apartment to a high of $1,260,000 for a 3,200 sq ft 2 storey infill. The median selling price for homes in Parkallen during the same time period was $405,000 which represents a 1,050 sq ft bungalow built in 1951.

Curious to know how the market’s doing in your neighbourhood? Email us at and we’ll prepare a quick customized report for you! It’s our pleasure! 

Sources:, and REALTORS® Association of Edmonton

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